The Construction of space: Building a poetic inhabit


  • Patricia Fernández García Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Author


Space, art, technique, work, unveiling, place, inhabiting, weaving, building, power.


Work and space are terms that seem to affect architecture very directly. Terms that are also common in everyday life, in our relationship with the world. Architecture unfolds its task in dealing with space, we could say that it works space, and from the conjunction of these two terms we intend to unveil possible non-immediate meanings. This text intends to investigate the concept of “space”, place, end and means of architecture, with the help of some texts that Martin Heidegger wrote in his last stage and also by turning to other sources that have analysed it in depth. The aim is to provide a new layer in the understanding of the term, to unblock its most immediate meaning, questioning the usual way of conceiving it. Architecture is involved in questions that not only affect the extensive aspect of space, but point to its experience, its experience, its perception, its poetics. This poetics will refer us to the relationship with art and technique, terms twinned in classical Greece where a single voice named both things (téchne). Reflection on this will help us to progress in the analysis because, following Heidegger, there is a link that we will try to clarify between space and téchne. To put space into action will not mean here its construction in the usual sense, but will allude to unveil it, to show its meaning, to point it out as a place. The revealing relation space-place, discovered by some thinkers, leads us to perceive space as a sphere of relations between things, which through the metaphor of the fabric will gain meaning.


