Historical Evolution and Contemporary Practice of Rural Brand Design: The Integration of Traditional Culture and Modern Innovation


  • Tao Tian PhD, Department of Design Arts, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand Author
  • Jirawat Vongphantuset Assistant Professor, PhD, Department of Product Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand Author


Rural Brand Design, Traditional Culture, Modern Innovation, Historical Evolution, Contemporary Practice, Market Competition, Cultural Heritage, Digital Marketing


The article provides a critical assessment of the evolution and contemporary practice of rural brand design, emphasising the complex fusion of traditional heritage and modern innovation. By systematically analysing literature spanning different disciplines, we identify key trends and challenges faced in different historical periods, paying particular attention to the preservation of local product characteristics and folk craft heritage. Modernisation pressures, including increased market competition and cultural preservation dilemmas, are discussed alongside innovative solutions adopted by rural communities. Our analysis highlights successful strategies for incorporating traditional aesthetics into product design that cater for contemporary markets without losing the original flavour. In addition, the emergence of digital platforms such as social media has revolutionised rural branding strategies, offering unprecedented reach and engagement potential. The main contributions of this review include providing a structured approach to literature selection, an exhaustive exploration of rural brand dynamics, and insights into sustainable growth paths for rural economies.

