The Cyborg as Contemporary Architectural Design Strategy


  • Beatriz Villanueva Cajide Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, CAD, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Arabia Saudí. Author


Cyborg, AI, strategy of contemporary architectural design, contemporary architectural systems, architectural diagrams.


The conceptualization of contemporary architectural design is conditioned by its immersion in the digital environment. Since the second decade of this century, the operational experimentation that guided the first digital era has given way to a theoretical development aimed at establishing the bases of calculation-based design. If the operational option limited the decision-making capacity of the designer, the theoretical option runs the risk of reducing the capabilities of digital technology in its effort to connect present and past. This article is situated in a middle ground, still little explored, in which the possibility of a close relationship between human and artificial intelligence is contemplated, based on the study and harmonization of the competencies of both, without pre-established limits. To define this cyborg intelligence, theory and praxis are combined. On the one hand, texts that develop the possibilities of both intelligences applied to architectural design are comparatively studied. On the other hand, how satisfactory results have been achieved with cybernetic approaches in the case of its application in the game of chess is analyzed. In conclusion, possible lines of action are presented for the execution of project strategies as architectural cyborgs.


