Colectivo México Ciudad Futura. Reversibilidad antropógena de los hechos urbanos


  • Mara Sánchez Llorens Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Author


México, reversibilidad antropógena, colectivo, agua, territorio, energía, espacios públicos


The collective Mexico: Future City proposes an understanding of the city as great work of thought in which the system land formed by biological and human compo­nents, auto-regula and the complex interactions between these components have a variability of multiple scales between territorial and anthropomorphic.This global and contemporary attitude links the efforts of engineers, biologists, town planners, students and especially, citizens, to recover the lacustrine condition of the metropolis, across four strategies: water, territory, energy and public spaces. This global project tries to generate a new system of lakes fed by the waste water that take place in the capital and seeks to give solution to the problem.If the man is the causer of that of the degradation of the natural ecosystem of the Mexico City, also the man can revert this situation and initiate a new age that it takes as a flag: the art, the city, the life and the nature. The present text proposes a critical exploration on the transcendence of this project - in articulating - to deduce that the reversibility of the urban facts is the sustainable strategy of the city of the third millennium.


