Fifty years of Superstudio. A Contemporary Interpretation of the Continuous Monument
Superstudio, Continuous Monument, lands cape, atlas, fragment, taxonomy, antimonument, antiurban, contemporary criticism.Abstract
Last December, 50 years have passed since the group Superstudio was formed. The anniversary is presented as the occasion to carry out a review of some of the ideas that the group proposed through the theoretical-graphic work of the Monu mento Continuo. Through three different formats, Superstudio represented a work with clearly visionary connotations, which presented the proposal of an object with in the limits of the possibilities of architecture. The three works could be defined as entropic essays due to: the absence of a systemic and linear organization of the three representations; the composition, which in the case of the three works would express the fragmentary nature; the meta morphosis, the continuous process in which the monument, the landscape and the history suffer unceasing transformations; the instability and the indeterminacy of the concepts of memory, place, shape and function provide a greater degree of freedom to act within their never definitive bases. The intention of the article is to establish how the work provides instruments for a contemporary critic, the understanding of the process of continuity and discontinuity of the modern time and how many of the current issues were started just in this period, which, like a hinge, is still connecting and agitating both intervals.