New Considerations on the Arantzazu Wall: Two Drawings by Jorge Oteiza for its Revision (1954-1968)


  • Joaquín Lizasoain Urcola Investigador de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Author


Arantzazu, Oteiza, graphic synthesis, expressivity, abstraction, cromplech, religiuos space


The aim of this article is to add a specific analysis of the great portal of Arantzazu to the different studies carried out on this work to date. Two small drawings by Jorge Oteiza serve to review the two creative phases developed by the sculptor to arrive at the final solution we know. Two phases that are juxtaposed and integrated, forming a unit in which the different variables used by the sculptor in each of them make sense. A research process that starts with his trip to America where he begins to become aware of the importance of space in the new artistic solutions and where he encounters the primitive pre-Columbian culture, with its statues as spiritual artefacts, and ends in the Basque cromlech, empty and religiously receptive. The two drawings represent two visions or cuts along this process that provide a better understanding of Oteiza’s interests and design mechanisms. in relation to his work in Arantzazu in the discovery and definition of the religious space.


