Aproximaciones críticas a los modos institucionales de intervención a las prácticas ciudadanas en el centro histórico de Xalapa, Veracruz, México


  • Polimnia Zacarías Capistrán Universidad Veracruzana. Author
  • Laura Mendoza Kaplan Universidad Veracruzana Author
  • Mauricio Hernández Bonilla Universidad Veracruzana Author


Quality of life, historical centers, public space, citizen practices, heritage


This article explores the notion of historical center and its implications on the main models of institutional intervention, against the emergence of citizenship practices and ways of living builders of city heritage. Taking the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico as a reference, the study emphasizes the epistemic forms that arise from relating the idea of heritage, with those of public space, habitability and sustainability, to inscribe there the question about architecture and its project process. If it is in the urban area where the risks and contradictions of the global economy are most reflected, and it is the city where new ethics and community spaces take place, the questions that motivate this investigation are how shall the project practice be conceived today? What are its theoretical and epistemological implications and what are its strategies for the preservation of local and global patrimonial environments?


