La innovación tecnológica, un espejo de los años 60. Las huellas del IETcc se leyeron en la chilena Técnica y Creación


  • Patricia Méndez Universidad del Bío-Bío Author
  • Andrés Saavedra Universidad del Bío-Bío Author


Technology, architecture, prefabrication, architectural journals, Chile, Spain, Informes de la Construcción, Técnica y Creación, 1960s


This text emerges as one of the results of a research, dedicated to the Chilean and Argentine architectural journals published during the second half of the 20th century. In this wide range, Técnica y Creación, published between August 1960 and December 1967 from the Instituto de Edificación Experimental (IEE), at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Chile. His analysis is made from the academic and social circumstances promoted by the University of Chile before the 1960s and from the importance that prefabrication and technological innovation in Chile then acquired. A careful reading of the pages of Técnica y Creación allows us to suppose that both this edition and the spirit expressed by the Institute that promoted it and its Director arose as a consequence of a contemporary Spanish pair, the Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y el Cemento (IETcc) and its journal Informes de la Construcción.


