A photographic book against the urban memory erasure: an investigation into Rio que desaparece book (Vanishing Rio) beyond its iconographic planes


  • João Magnus Barbosa Leite Pereira Pires Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro. Author


Photographic books, memory, city, urban memory, Rio de Janeiro, photography, memory erasure, urban memory erasure, Rio de Janeiro’s history, 1970s


Devastations of architectural ensemble had often taken place in Rio de Janeiro’s Historic Center until the end of the 1970s. These traumatic transformations of the built environment erased urban memory, which undermined social groups’ resistance against unwanted projects. Cities are often the subject of photography, which is a powerful instrument to remember the past. Despite that, photographic books are rarely picked as sources of knowledge about cities and means to recover erased urban memories. In this sense, this work has studied the case of Claudio Bruni Sakraischik’s Rio que desaparece (1993) (“Vanishing Rio”) book to highlight this bibliographic genre potential. Its main goal is to verify whether the book could contribute to the urban memory erasure’s resistance. Sakraischik registered the transformation process by which Rio de Janeiro had been through in the 1970s as the City Hall implemented the subway system. The publication was analyzed beyond its photographs’ iconographic planes, articulating texts about the urban memory erasure, with other texts on the city history and the author’s writings and biography. It was verified that this photographic book provides starting points from which it is possible to access and reinforce memories regarding the built environment and its demolished architectural examples.


