Praise of the common. The club as social condenser


  • Ricardo Montoro Coso Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Author


Club, common, unity, meeting, social condenser, Gentlemen's club, VKhUTEMAS, Rabochiy klub


The lights of the reason’s fire caused by the Enlightenment will make it necessary to create a new typology for the meeting. Its heat will lead to the appearance of new common-units of power in the English Industrial Revolution. Gentlemen’s clubs, with their different themes, will need an architectural support where they can stage their postulates and activities. This model will be exported to the colonies with their respective adaptations. New York will be a node of attraction where all these new models. The Russian revolutionary movement of the second decade of the last century will resort to a propagandistic and provocative language by means of groups of terms that were antagonistic until that moment, such as the Rabochiy klubs, or Workers’ Clubs. A semantic paradox in the will to appropriate these places proper to the new bourgeoisie to be occupied by the new ideological postulates of the so-called culture of the proletariat; and resulting in a new typology for the common-unity.


