Territorial project for Lambayeque valley (Peru). Approach oriented to guarantee a local self-sustainable model


  • Raúl Gálvez Tirado Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo de Chiclayo. Raúl Gálvez Tirado, arquitecto, doctorando en la Universidad de Sevilla y en Territorio y Urbanismo Sostenible en la UNPRG de Lambayeque. Su tesis de máster fue seleccionada por la VII BIAU y catalogada por Arquia/Próxima en 2012. Author


Identity, anthropobiocentric, self-sustaining, heritage, territory.


Lambayeque’s growth over the last eight decades accelerates a urban consolidation process that weakens relationships and exchanges between populations, regardless ecosystems or environmental policies. North Peruvian coast is highly vulnerable to climate change, natural disasters and social tensions, increased by high rates of poverty in rural areas. Against this situation, we propose to regain the sense of place through new strategies to restore, in today’s practise, the environmental sensibility to protect the common heritage, meaning: culture, rural and urban landscape, local production and knowledge. The territoriality approach is the starting point to for human, environmental, geographic, and biodiversity issues integration, together with architectural aspects. All these different inputs allow us to build a territorial scale project with focus on identity preservation and increase of patrimonial values to ensure local self-sustainable development.


